Very new chicks

1 or 2 days

We use Brinsea incubators and the Brinsea chick brooders. These are warming plates which the chicks go under. The legs adjust as the chicks grow.  We’re very much in favour of these brooders. The chicks seem happier and more confident. They don’t take fright at feed time or water changes like they did with the light. 


Breeding Polish

To breed Polish Chickens you will either need an incubator or reliable and trusted broody hens of another breed. Polish hens rarely go broody. If they do go broody, it is even more rare for them to sit long enough to hatch chicks. I’ve been breeding Polish for 7 years and it’s never happened. I use an incubator. Crossbred Polish will go broody but I’ve found them to be unreliable sitters.